Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project Life 2014 - Weeks 4 and 5

So, it has been a while since I last blogged!  I have been computerless for the past couple of weeks (after Maddie stepped on the screen of our old laptop and killed it a few weeks ago).  Jim went out this past weekend and replaced our old computer with a new one, so I am blogging from the new laptop today, and I am hoping to get back into a blogging routine again soon!
I have two weeks of Project Life to share today, Weeks 4 and 5.
Week 4:
Sunday was Jim's 40th birthday!  It was a nice day, and one of the highlights was when our pastor announced during the morning service that it was Jim's 40th birthday.  He had the whole congregation sing to Jim, and we were mortified when Drew belted out a very loud, "Cha, cha, cha!" in the middle of the song.  Late that evening we got several calls (one after we had been in bed for a few hours) from the school's security company to tell Jim that the alarm had been tripped in the office area of the building.  He had the police go by to check on the school, and they reported that everything looked fine, so Jim asked that the security company disregard any other alarms that night.  
When Jim got to school the next morning, he found his office totally covered in black - black streamers, balloons, and tablecloths.
 There were also several large signs with some "encouraging" words about being 40.  The decorations were what had tripped the alarms!
I snapped this picture during Sunday evening church.  Drew was drawing a ninja turtle battle in his notebook.
 Drew has two sets of ninja turtle masks and weapons, and he and Maddie decided to wear the masks one day.
 (And Maddie decided to show off her skill of finding people's noses!)
 Donuts are a favorite weekend treat!
 Drew got his second quarter report card this week - all A's!
 We got more snow this week, and the guys had another snow day.
 Our church preschool group had a lunch play date this week.  Maddie enjoyed playing with the kids.
 I thought Maddie looked so cute all wrapped up in her duck towel after her bath!
 Here's what I did for Week 4.
I also did a small insert about Jim's 40th birthday decorations.

Week 5:
I worked in Maddie's class during Sunday school this week.  She and the youth pastor's daughter are often the only ones in the class during Sunday School.  The two girls had fun pushing their babies around the nursery.
 Drew has been trying to sing from the hymnal lately, now that he is reading well.  It has been fun to see him  following along, and we can even hear him singing sometimes.
 We had some more snow/extreme cold days off from school this week, so we went over to Jim's mom's apartment on one of the cold days to celebrate her birthday a few days early.
 Drew and Maddie were holding hands as we left the apartment.
 Maddie has been climbing a lot lately (I hate it!).  She got stuck on one of the changing table shelves.
 This week was spirit week at school, but the days got messed up  because of the cold and snow days, so the first day of school for the week ended up being Thursday!  Thursday was career day, and Drew dressed as a golfer.
 Friday was Patriot/school colors day.  The guys wore their Patriot hoodies.
The elementary students went to Pump It Up for a special Spirit Week activity.  Drew had a great time!
 Jim has a former student who is the coach of a local college hockey team.  Jim took Drew to one of their games on Saturday night.  Drew ended up getting two pucks, and they had a great time!

Here's what I did for Week 5.
 This is how Weeks 4 and 5 look together.
 I am hoping to get caught up on sharing my Project Life in the next few weeks, and I have some other things to share soon as well!

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