Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentine's Day

We have had fun celebrating Valentine's Day this year. We got out Drew's little mailbox again this year, and he enjoyed checking to see if the flag was up (a signal that something fun was waiting inside). We also made Valentine cards this year for a few people. Drew liked coloring the branch for the owl and sticking the buttons on for the owl's eyes.
I made this page for the Let's Scrap blog hop. It was for challenge 6 - using a card sketch to make a Valentine card or page. Drew and I were invited to a Valentine party yesterday by some friends from church. Our hosts have two little girls, and Drew wanted to bring some "boy toys" with him, but he ended up having a great time playing with a doll house!
This was the table at the party. We had a delicious lunch and a great time together!

Jim and I got Drew a Buzz Lightyear set with a belt, binoculars, and a little disc shooter as a little Valentine's Day gift. We hid it and had Drew go on a little hunt through the house to find it.
Drew LOVES his new Buzz toys!
I made a heart-shaped pizza and salad for dinner (notice my little section with mushrooms).
A few weeks ago (right before our blizzard) I got the supplies to make this wreath. I finished it a week or two ago, but we didn't have a hook on our new kitchen door, so I couldn't hang it. Jim went to Home Depot last night and got me a hook so my Valentine's rose wreath could be hung for a few hours on Valentine's Day! I'm going to keep it up for a little while longer!
I found the tutorial here (I am really enjoying this blog!), and I bought my felt by the yard instead of by the sheet. I think I must have rolled my little roses more tightly than the tutorial ones are rolled because it took me about half a yard of each color (I initially bought a quarter of a yard of each, but I ran out and had to go get more to finish the wreath). It was easy, but time consuming, and I really like the way it turned out!
I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! I'm enjoying my gift from Jim and Drew today - a Nook reader from Barnes and Noble! I borrowed my first library book on it last night, and I'm having fun figuring it out!
I'll be back tomorrow to share a few more pages from the end of the blog hop and to announce the winner of my challenge!

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