Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Blog Hop Pages

I have been scrapbooking a lot this month for the blog hop at Let's Scrap.
This first layout is some pictures from the day my in-laws were married. I did this for Resolution #15 - using the colors teal, yellow, gray, and silver and the word happy. My in-laws wanted a very private wedding, so they were married in their pastor's living room. They forgot to find witnesses, and the church secretary and her husband happened to stop by to drop something off, so they were the witnesses. The family had a little party at Jim's Aunt Maxine's house after the wedding. This next page is for Resolution #11 - using the colors blue, white, and silver. I love these pictures of Drew helping Jim with the snow blower.
This page is for Resolution #8 - using black and white photos and blue and yellow embellishments. These are some pictures of my mom and Aunt Pam when they were growing up.
This layout is for this week's sketch. I used some photos from our putt-putting afternoon back in September.
This layout is for Resolution #7 - using a banner. These pictures are from this past Thanksgiving.
This page is for Resolution #13 - using only cardstock and some small embellishments. These photos are from a couple summers ago. Drew had a little Frosty and enjoyed eating and making a mess of it! I embossed the paper strips with my Cuttlebug.
This layout is for Resolution #9 - scrap something that makes you smile. I thought that Drew was so cute helping Jim cut the grass with his little mower. He wanted to roll it along the sidewalk and driveway and then carry it across the grass to the sidewalk again.
This layout is for Resolutions #3 (use 3 patterned papers and stitching) and #12 (use eyelets). These pictures are from all the gift openings at Christmas this year.
This is last week's sketch. I scrapped some older photos of a zoo trip with my mom and sister.
This last layout is some random photos of fun things we did this Christmas (Polar Express, Christmas book each day, baking cookies, decorating our trees, and see in the lights at BJU). This page is for the sketch from two weeks ago.
The blog hop ends this coming Monday, and I've enjoyed scrapping so much! I have one more challenge to do and a few more layouts to share next week. I usually scrap on my living room couch (with a lap desk) in the evenings while we relax as a family and also after Drew goes to bed.
I hope you are all having a great week. It is very cold here, so staying in (and scrapping) has been perfect this month!

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