Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fun in North Carolina

These past few weeks have been very full and busy for our family, and I've been a bad blogger because of it! We were in Greenville, SC last week, visiting my family for a few days. We had not seen them since early in the summer, so we were glad to be able to spend a few days with them. One of our favorite days there was last Saturday, when we went to North Carolina for part of the day. Mom, Nora, Drew, and I went to a little farm - Lyda Farm - to get some produce and see the animals while the men golfed. Drew had fun looking through the bins of squash and pumpkins. He loves letters right now, and he enjoys spelling out the words he sees (although he starts at the wrong end).

Drew does not like to pose well, so Aunt Nora had to help him.
They had a wide variety of squash and gourds displayed beautifully!
Drew liked the different farm equipment around the farm.
They also had apples, and they gave us each one.
Drew loves apples, but he always wants me to cut them into slices for him. I was surprised at how well he ate his apple!
They also had some animals that we could look at - goats, turkeys, and chickens.
This goat was interested in Drew's apple!
Aunt Nora helped Drew share his apple with the goat.
Drew loved running between the bins. This is what he wants to do, no matter where we go right now, and it is not my favorite new habit! I'm afraid I'm going to lose him!
We had a lot of fun at the farm!
After we finished at the farm, we met the men and my sister-in-law, Katie, for barbecue at a little place in Flat Rock, NC called "Hubba Hubba." It was so good and was the perfect way to end our time in North Carolina!

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